
  • Why is it not possible to playback in Mission Planner Dataflsh log files?

    Did any of you out there created a converter from LOG to TLOG? I don't have telemetry that covers more then few hundreds meters, hence the need for LOG's playback.

    Why is it so complicated to playback LOGs?

    • it's not complicated, onboard logs contain much more used for analysis, and so tlogs are the typical thing to play back.

      the easiest/best way to play them back is

  • so , is there a better way ?

    I would like to see flightpath/position, voltage/current/altitude/AHI and other data at once.

  • ok, I see the GPX, it seems to contain pitch and roll data as well.

    What I would like to see, is flightmode, current, channel input - autopilot output .. basically a good visualization for tuning/debugging.

  • what I download according to these instrauctions:

    is .log   - I don't have live telemetry, (I bought dronecell, but I don't have found a way to use it yet)

    so I import the .log, but drawing graphs is not very useful,

  • Developer

    is it a tlog or a dataflash log?

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