HUD artificial horizon change

Did I fall asleep?, just checked the artificial horizon in MP 1.2.99 and noticed that the artificial horizon now stays level when the aircraft banks.

I'm one of many who have misunderstood the HUD view in the past and thought that the horizon was reversed, but this new version takes away all the confusion, many thanks to the developers again.

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  • Developer

    the hud has not changed.

    double check you don't have the Russian hud enabled.

    right click the hud screen

    • Thanks Michael, I did check the release notes but didn't read anything about the HUD view changing, however I've also checked that I do have the English/USA version enabled.

      I've also checked back on MP version 1.2.97 when I connect to this the HUD reverts to the original style where the artificial horizon rotates as the aircraft is rolled and the roll angle indicator stays stationary. This too is the English version. 

      No worries, as I said I find this version where the AI horizon stays level and the roll angle indicator rotates much easier to interpret, just curious to know what I might have changed to cause this.

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