
  • Admin


    According to Craig Elder it is on the todo list, but right now I believe that 8 channels (DX8) is the max that the Pixhawk firmware can handle.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • Thanks, I finally got a message back from 3DR, they said the only way to do it right now is with a PPM encoder

      • i am actually able to connect a dx18 transmiter to pixhawk using only the satellite receiver. right now i can see the input and output variations in the mission planner status tab on the main screen. i have not tested it using the actual servos. they should be good as both the servos and the pixhawk output work on the same type of signal. only thing is only 8 channels are usable on the transmitter. also both of them use 5V range. so, they should be good.

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