
LidarLite working correctly? - SOLVED


I am trying to set up a LidarLite sensor from PulsedLight.

I set it up according to the wiki (new sensor, manufactured Feb 2015, interfaced with a Pixhawk)


In the wiki it points to the Flight Data Screen to test the sensor,

but I only get zero as reading in this window.

But if I check in the terminal,

I can see that the sensor is working (see attached file),

so is it working ok? Is the wiki wrong?

Thanks a lot,



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        • Developer

          No difference in performance as far as I know although I have only ever run PWM.  PWM also supports putting the LIDAR in low power mode and I2C does not.  To use I2C reliably you need to have a recently manufactured (Feb 2015 I think) Pulsed Light LIDAR.

          There is a long discussion on dronesdiscuss you might want to read through.


          Thanks, Grant

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  • I have spent the last week trying to get my LIDAR working so that we can do low level ground surveys (2 meters altitude approx).

    I can only get the LIDAR working on the beta version 3.3 of arducopter

    I can only get the servo based gimbal working on version 3.2 of arducopter.

    Is there a bug with servo gimbals on the 3.3 rc3 of arducopter? Any chance of a bug fix please? I really need both working at the same time. 

    I am using the PWM interface for the pulsed light LIDAR because it was manufactured last year.

    • See 3.3 r2/3 release notes, servo gimbal may need a parameter set, it works for me with that setting.
      • I have had a look through the release notes and cannot spot the parameter. Any chance you can give me a clue please?

        • MNT_TYPE=1 and reboot board
          It may not be in the releasenotes, there is a 3.3 beta discussion topic it lists this as a note
          • Thank you Robert Szabo, my servo gimbal now works along with the LIDAR.

            I think you are right; I also can't see any mention of MNT_TYPE=1 anywhere in the documentation. If you hadn't clued me in I'd have been stuck on this for a while!

            • Developer

              We have open weekly Dev calls.  This is a link to the notes from one a couple of weeks ago:


              As you can see we identify the #1 issue is getting documentation done.  You can also see that setting mnt is discussed. 

              We would love more help getting the documentation done.  If anyone would like to help us out please don't hesitate to contact us.

              Thanks, Grant.

              Google Groups
              Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
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