Loiter with missing GPS


I've got a hardware problem with my GPS which led me to discover a possible issue with Loiter.

When you engage Loiter, and GPS stops working for some reason (in my case it's a cold ground connection - stops working completely), the copter will continue in the last known direction forever (in other words - it flies away happily :-)).

What should happen in this case? I believe it would be best to switch to Stabilize in case of a) GPS not working b) lost GPS fix c) other GPS error (we jump by a 500m in a second or some other glitch which indicates a problem)

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  • Btw, if telemetry is connected, it doesn't react by showing "No GPS" either - it remembers the last location. I guess it just doesn't care when GPS messages stop coming so it's like losing packets. I'd put some sort of heartbeat in there (APM, not the planner) to make the user and navigation loop aware of this situation.

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