Long Range FPV Helicopter RC Flight, need help

Hi everyone !

I have for project to make a helicopter I could control from my computer with radio waves. The system would not need auto pilot as I would pilot it with help from video imagery and radio waves. The video imagery will be captured from a video camera on the nose of the helicopter but I don't know how the video feed is going to be transmitted, as I need continuously clear video and radio transmission to control the helicopter.

The helicopter should be at first take off and be piloted from eye, and then the pilot would use the fpv video feed to pilot it from distances. The rc helicopter should be small and cheap, but capable of transporting mini payload and be able to flight quite easily with quite good stabilization. I don't need it to be 5 km far, but to be in the air at a mid distance providing clear radio and video transmission.

So, my main problems are :


- The video transmission.

- The radio control of the small helicopter at fairly good distances.

- Which RC helicopter / airframe am I gonna choose.


What are your solutions and advices for this ?


Thanks for your future answers.


PS: I don't know if its the good forum, but it was either not in arducopter, and since my main problem is the aiframe, I decided to put it here, thanks

PPS: I did many research work but I couldn't find my happiness. I found a "how to create your own rc helicopter" tutorial (which is here: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/heli_project/index.html but his main material is made of circuit board with the copper layer removed, I think there are easier and cheaper ways to maybe buy one already existing rc helicopter and then mod it, and since my project doesn't need auto pilot but long range fpv...)

PPPS: Sorry for my english.

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  • Haggard,

    As this is DIY Drones, questions are answered if google-fu doesn't work:  Please search before posting or you will be ignored.




  • Haggard, I really like your enthusiasm, and it's great that you want to try something this ambitious. However, "cheap" is a relative term, I don't know what your budget is, but if 100€ is too much, you have to change your project scope. Essentially you're asking for a 10sec kia rio (if you like cars), or the NHS without any queues (if you're political); it could be done, but realistically, not so much.
  • I'm still researching for my MAIN aicraft platform : I want it to be able to move in 3D, so I want a helicopter, or maybe 4 rotor platform.

    I was searching for a helicopter first but when I saw the prices for a helicopter, I fell...

    Even with the cheapest 450 clone I would need to buy a radio transmitter and all the electronics, costing me like 100€ !!!

    So I'm searching for a rotorcraft based platform, if I don't find anything except helicopter I'll take helicopter but if multi rotor is a good choice... Has someone ideas for a rotorcraft based platform, or multi rotor, which would be able to have light payload and more than ten minutes fly time, everything being cheap ?

    Thanks !

  • Hi I'm back !

    I'm disappointed nobody answered. Nobody has any ideas on getting cheap video transmitters/receivers ? Nobody know anything on a decent helicopter paltform ?


  • I have found a nice detailled guide : http://www.rcexplorer.se/page14/FPV/FPV.html

    Now my main problem is to find a cheap video transmitter+receiver along with a cheap and stable outdoor helicopter...

    Thanks ! :)

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