Lose configuration on Reboot of APM

Hi All,


I have been flying the SkyWalker with great success. However when I reboot the APM (2560) I lose the configuration. It keeps the waypoints but the configuration goes back to a default setup.


This happens if I press the reset button or remove power.


Has anyone seen this?






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  • Hello,


    I have the same problem with configuration and reset or power reconnection...


    Did somebody resolve  this issue?




  • Moderator
    I had the same problem after loading the skywalker param file.

    I did notice that the stabilize P values on the skywalker param is a lot higher that default is that correct or a legacy value?
  • Developer

    ive found the problem when restoring from a param file. if the file was saved under a diffrent version of apm, it reset on next reboot. i will be adding a check/ignore in the next planner version "SYSID_SW_MREV" is the issue

  • Hi Simon


    This is the third thread about the same issue in three days. My thread. Reset button (clears waypoints)

    Lets work together to see what could be causing this problem. I also identified one possible cause with uploading the Skywalker parameter file. Something is not compatible with the parameter file and the latest version of Mission Planner. Still searching.

    Apart from the parameter problem. Have you also had the same problem as described in this thread? autopilot goes crazy. Full throttle and nose down.




  • Developer

    try doing an erase from the cli, and re setup.

  • Also if I upload the SkyWalker pram file from google code the altitude is about 1500m out.


    Seems weird

  • I also have a APM1280 and I get the same thing so I dont think its a hardware issues unless its the oilpan.


    I am using the APM Planner 1.0.49 with the firmware it uploads to the board.

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