
  • Hi - I had the same problem......  the replacement worked first time !!


    Hope this helps.




  • Hi - I had the same problem and cured it by fitting a new mag.  New one worked first time.




  • Developer


         Some more information would be helpful.  For example:

                  - which magnetometer you're using (sparkfun or diy drones)?

                 -  how have you connected the mag?  directly to the oilpan or via a cable?

                 - if you're using the sparkfun mag I hope you're using a level converter (as suggested on the wiki).

                 - if you're using a cable have you correctly plugged it into the "no gps" port?

                 - have you checked that all the soldering is ok?

                 - have you crashed recently?

         Anyway, as mentioned on another thread, you're not getting values back from the mag so it's likely a wiring problem or a fried mag.

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