Mission Planner enhancement

Dear Developers,

First I have to say I really like to work with the mission planner.

Now I mounted on the TX an 8" full Windows 10 Tablet, dual boot with Android, to run Mission Planner.

As you can Imagine, all information now is very small in size.

So I had an Idea:

Is it possible to program a  new tab, which shows the existing artifical horizon window with all existing goodies on a full page, with bigger writing! It would be nice to have the possibility to choose and place the infos at the operators discretion.

Even the possibillity of video underlay shoud be still possible.

Two additional markers should be added, like on an HSI of our big brothers:

1) Needle to show home position

2) Needle to show where next waypoint is.

Both to work like ADF needles of a/c´s.

Track is shown already at the bearing Arch, a COG pointer would be a nice to have.

Looking fwd hearing from you,




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  • Moderator

    If you double click/tap on the artificial horizon window, it detaches and becomes a standalone window which can even be placed on a second monitor if you have one. Close it and it jumps back to it's old position. Anything is possible though, MP is open source so if you want to add/change something you can: https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner

    Or if there's enough support for your proposal it may be incorporated, or you can add a feature request here: https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues

    • Dear Graham,

      many txs for yr. quick reply.

      I know the window feature of the horizon, which is already very useful.

      The advantage would be to have the datas left or right, as there is free space off the quadratic view, which could contain the ap mode buttons as well. (Bigger than now)

      If I am pressing any button, the window dissapears and has to be brought up again by the status bar of windows.

      My coding is very limited, so I better not try to change anything on MP. But txs for pointing out.

      Will give it a try on github.



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