More apm 2.8 troubles

Well im back for more help from you experienced folks out there, pretty sure i fried my board wen i fried my osd, tried setting up my fpv with the osd, powered it off my jst connection on my pdb, i removed the osd and the fpv seemed to work but couldnt get motors to arm, tried resetting and starting from scratch and the firmware wouldnt upload at all, so, got another 2.8 (and a ublox neo 7m gps to replace the one i broke from a crash) the old 2.8 didnt have the jumpers in it but the new one does, issue number 1: in trying to do the set up the compass doesnt calibrate, the data points are uneven, they dont form the spherical shape, wondering if ive got a bad gps/compass or if i have to remove the jumpers? issue number 2: did my osd fry cuz i powered the fpv system from the pdb? (seems to work without the osd and powered from the pdb) issue number 3: during a hard landing one of the props hit its corresponding esc, it worked after that but now ive noticed it gets warm, almost hot, i dont know if i shud replace just the one or all four? Help!!

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