MS Surface RT

Now that it is possible to run 3rd party apps on the M$ Surface RT, It may be possible to install and run the MP. Im guessing that it should be able to run a USB device like the 3DR Telemetry module.....And would probably be able to do so with limited modificatios (If any)

Is there anybody that can verify this? Because if it is possible it would be invaluable, considering of course we could run the full version. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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  • The new Surface pro is set to be the thinnest and most powerful windows tablet avalible, and will be released within the next few weeks if memory serves. Unfortunately with the $999 price point it's a little pricey.....But for a device with a I5 cpu it's not bad. I recently bought a 14" ultra book for the sole purpose of running the MP in the field, but now I wish I would have held off. Because having to use a makeshift cardboard sun visor, and carting around a stand to sit it on is a lot less appealing then a tablet I could wear with a lanyard around my neck!

    Can Anyone confirm the Surface RT's USB functionality?

  • I've heard that the USB -> serial support in the official RT API is weak to none. Perhaps it is possible with a jailbroken app, sounds hard.

    We need someone to come up with a bulletproof and cheap 3DR -> Wifi Access point. Then you could use a 'normal' MS Surface or Iphone or Android or anything. 

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