No power to RC reciever

Can someone provide some troubleshooting?  I am not getting a power light on my Spektrum AR8000 receiver.    The GPS module LED is on, and other LEDS on the board are flashing.


I have the receiver cables in correctly, with the data wire up on the audopilot and down on the receiver.


Could this be a code problem?  I had it working before...  The board was purchased assembled from 3D Drones.

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  • Hi guys. New to this thing and been hard at going through these things. Making a plan to buy stuff and want to be sure before committing to it. I wanted to ask a very basic question (might sound stupid even). I am thinking of using an APM 1.0 with IMU shield. Will also be adding Xbee telemetry, video camera + Tx. The intial thing is I plan on using the ESC to power up the APM board. My question:

    Can the RC Rx be powererd up through the APM board in this config or I have to use to put in a node somewhere between the ESC and the APM?

    Can the IMU power up the telemetry?

  • Hello, have you figure it out?

    I would connect the esc to the RX to verify that RX is ok,
    power on the spectrum RX is distributed the same way as in ardu board,

    common rail with pinouts for (-) and common rail with pinouts for (+)

    so if you checked Rx directly to the ESC (try different outs on RX just in case) and it worked, then i would suspect

    connecting wire between ardu and RX since esc powers ardu. Also since +&- are common across all the inputs/outputs you can test power RX from any Input.
    Hope that helps.

    (bind your RX before plugging to the ardu board)

  • 3D Robotics

    You need to power the RC rail (including the RC Rx) with your LiPo/ESC--it is not powered by the USB or APM board itself (this is a safety feature). 


    All this is documented in the manual, BTW.

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