Not sure what sensors do??

I am about to buy ArduPilot Mega 2.0 Fully Assembled System. I understand I need to download the mission planner software for this and eventually syn it all together with my quad copter and R/C BUT I am trying to understand weather I need to buy these additional items and how to install them on the ArduPilot Mega 2.0? 1. MB1260 XL-MaxSonar-EZL0 High Performance Ultrasonic Range Finder This i am guessing helps with landing and take off? or? 2. Optical Flow Sensor and 3. Absolute Pressure and Temperature Sensor - BMP085 I would like to be able to order it all at once before I build.. THANK YOU :)

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  • This question is in the wrong thread don't you think ?

    Should be in the hardware section.


  • KISS

    Don't start adding stuff you don't know that you need.  Keep everything as simple as possible until you know what you're  doing.

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