Obstacle Detection and Avoidance


I was wondering if anyone could suggest ways for OD/OA for ground rovers.  I have seen posts on the parallax ping, ultrasonic and kinect.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what works best for rovers traveling 1 to 10 mph?  Seems like most of the detection systems work very slowly and from short distances.

Where is a good place to learn about OD/OA? 

Is there a laser option available?

Thanks for your help and suggestions,


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  • Still working on this. My tests so far-- inconclusive-- involve 5m range Sharp IR rangers and Maxbotix EZ1 sensors. I've been unable to produce reliable readings and am still working on the physical configuration of IR rangers and identifying the cause of drop-outs from the EZ1, possibly noise or electrical connection, don't know. Will try to remember to post up more here (or somewhere) when I learn more.

    I'm also working on using a custom SMT AVRcam clone I developed for the 2012 AVC (but didn't use) for blob detection. Not terribly useful if you want general purpose obstacle avoidance, but great if your only obstacles are giant RED barrels. :D

  • Admin


    Checkout this OD/OD code for the Arduino UNO: http://www.mymindsi.com/downloads/code/projects/auv4x4/auv4x4.ino



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