Parrot DISCO with Ardupilot


I just started working on Parrot DISCO.

I'm trying to install Ardupilot on Parrot DISCO.(

However, there is one problem. It's rcS_mode_default file. This file should be put /etc/init.d/rcS_mode_default, but I can't modify or upload because of access level.

Did anyone succeed to do this?

Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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  • Hi Darrell,

    Thank you for your answer. Let me ask one question. At that time did you use Mission Planner like APM Planner 2.0 and QGroundControl. As you mentioned, actually I could connect DISCO to a Mission Planner. However, I didn't upload flight plan I made to DISCO. Then, I noticed that I didn't put the file I mentioned.

    Do you have any ideas to solve this?

    Many thanks

  • I thought ArduPilot was available on the Disco by default now. I was flying one day and was told there was a simple way to select it booting in to ArduPilot. I'm sure someone here will either correct me or let us know the secret to getting it to boot up with Ardupilot.

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