Pitch and Roll limiters not working...?

Hi all,


After reverting to Dec 13 code yesterday, I noticed that the limiters for pitch and roll whilst in stabilized mode do not seem to work. I have them set at +/- 25° for pitch and 45° for roll. I was able to easily pitch and roll well beyond these limits (ie: 90° vertical dive descent and 90° roll). This said, I wasn't able to loop or roll the aircraft inverted (I don't like operating the aiframe close to the edges of the flight envelope so didn't push too hard).

I had deliberately made my config.h very simple after the problems encountered with the Dec 27 release to mitigate as best as possible conflicting parameters but no luck.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this...?


Thanks in advance,


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  • Developer
    Stabilize has never had limiters. Maybe you were in FBW and didn't realize it?
  • I was in stabilize, but in this mode, I have always had limiters. Perhaps the defect was that the limiters used to be available in this mode but it's now fixed and they aren't...!

    Thanks for the reply - I'll used one of the FBW modes from now on.


  • Developer

    What mode where you in?

    Stabalise allows full rotation/no limit

    FBW limited

    AUTO while no user input Limited


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