Hi, i'm new in the drone world and i'm putting together a quad using the pixhawk.

i had the pixhawk connected to the mission planner, but when i'm trying to run the motors test through the console i get lines and lines of rubbish and it never connects (apmPlannerOutput.png).

also i cant calibrate the ESC's, I follow this link instructions to enter the calibration mode, but no noise/beeping from the ESC's, I have bypassed the pixhawk and tested each motor and they all work, so it must be something in the pixhawk out put side(i dont have access to an oscilloscope to check output), has anyone experienced something similar or have any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this issue??

thanks in advance

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  • Hi Andreas,

    The rubbish are mavlink packages (binary) you are trying to read with a terminal.
    To go to command line mode (cli) you have to reboot and to connect to cli within first 15 seconds. As some as you see normal text hit three time return to stop booting into autopilot mode. In autopilot mode, APM send mavlink.

    For second topic calibration of ESC fellow the link:


    • thanks Bjoern, I wasnt aware of the 15 sec rule there for cli to connect, though i notice that in the version of mission planer i had to chose the correct port not only in the top right corner but also in the dropdown menu left of the connect button in the terminal tab (i used ardupilot for a week before i got the pixhawk and it just connected straight away because it is defaults to APM) so that solved that problem.

      Regarding the ESC's calibration i missed one step(pressing the push button til the light turns red solid) so that's why I couldn't access calibration mode... Being new to all this one tends to oversee some basic stuff

      Thanks for the quick reply though

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