
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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  • Hi all,

    I have some serious problem with accel calibration on my Pixracer with loaded latest AC3.4 master. I can't calibrate accel. The message is "Calibration failed", nothing more. I have tried with Mission Planner (USB, WiFi), Tower (WiFi), QGC (USB, WiFi). Same result for all applications.

    Strange thing, when connecting via QGC I see "Vehicle 1" and "Vehicle 200" - to see parameters I need to choose "Vehicle 1". When connecting with Mission Planner, I see "Getting Params 1" and shortly after this, see "Getting Params 200" - this never can be downloaded. What's this?

    Just short remark: If using PX4 stack, I can calibrate accel without any problems.

    No idea what could be wrong :(

    • Luc, can you load AC3.4-dev (CTRL+Q in MP) and then try to calibrate accel in your Pixracer board?
      • I wasn't able to calibrate the accelerometer using MP with the dev firmware, but I could when I switched over to APM Planner.

        BTW, MOT_PWM_TYPE=2 didn't work for me. What ever I set it to it didn't work, I could arm but that's about it.

        Switching back to 3.3.4, I was able to get the motors to spin but it was low speed spin or full blast... nothing in between, so not flyable at all.

        I have 30a BLHeli ESCs with PWM input turned off, so getting OneShot working would be awesome.

      • I cannot try before  Friday , I'm out for work.

    • This is strange. I'm only able to calibrate accel if using latest available beta file for Pixracer, if I'm right this is ArduCopter-v4.px4 file generated on 2016-02-25 at 01:38 with size 611K.

      Any newer ArduCopter-v4.px4 file from master branch does not allow me to calibrate accel.

      • I use 3.3.4 and was able to calibrate accellerometers, at first it was not possible but after completing other mandatory settings and then doing level I tried again and it works.

        No MOT_PWM_TYPE in that version.

    • Hmm.... I'm stupid. I have tried now AC3.3.4-pixracer version loaded from MP screen. I see now that firmware is PX4v2 and MP top bar shows V3.3.4-pixracer. And now I was able to calibrate accel :).

      But I don't see now for example MOT_PWM_TYPE option to enable OneShot. I guess it is only in 3.4dev? Am I right?



    • Found "Vehicle 200" or "Getting Params 200" reason. It was OSD board (AlceOSD) connected to Pixracer Serial 2 (Telem2) port (at the front of the FC). I have tried to make an accel calibration after disconnecting OSD but same bad result - calibration failed. Is it possible to get some logs with reason of the failed calibraion? Should I just set LOG_BITMASK to "All+DisarmedLogging"?

  • Hi, I updated my version Iris + to A 3.3.3.
    I relizado few flights with the Canon S110 camera and is that now I have more flight records photos.
    Before upgrading everything was fine, photos were generally more flight records, only removed the first photos and the matter was resolved.
    I returned to Iris + update to version 3.3.2 and still have the same problem, although the flight records are less than 200, with version 3.3.3 were more than 200.
    Because this problem occurs?
  • I'm having a problem w/ 3.4, that I don't have w/ 3.3.. 

    I have no control in any guided (autopilot assisted) modes.  Stab works fine. 
    In guided modes, while hovering, moving the yaw, roll, or pitch sticks doesn't do anything.

    This has been an issue for at least a few weeks, but no one else seems to be having it..
    I've figured out if I hold the copter in my hand in alt_hold (or any guided mode) and give it WAY  more throttle than it needs to hover, then it reacts to control inputs.    I have the hover throttle set to 300.. the bottom end of the slider. 

    I thought maybe it was my config, so I started over from scratch and even with only a basic compass/accel/rc calibration and no tuning, it still does it. 

    I'd appreciate any advice!

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