Problem with RTL operation

Today I flew at a different site which had stronger wind than I have experienced before.

I had been flying 2.9.1 release for the last few days with out any problems.  The flight today was going well I selected RTL  the quad climbed to 15 meters and turned around and came back to the launch position and then climbed to 80 meters instead of landing before I switched mode to recover flight.

Attached is the log file

2013-02-08 17-43 31.log

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  • Developer

    I talked to Randy about this log and we have found a couple of interesting things.

    First up the vibration is only present at or near maximum throttle. So what actually happened here is that the copter experienced some vertical acceleration down. This resulted in the throttle going to maximum and swamping the inertial navigation controller with noise. This then caused the inertial velocity calculation to go to -10m/s causing the throttle to stay at maximum.

    The other thing that Randy noticed is half the loops to run slowly. We think this is because there are so many logs turned on. To address this the logging should be kept to a minimum unless it is required. (thankfully we had everything in this situation to see what was going on). In general slow loops don't cause crashes because we design the code to deal with it pretty well. In 2.9.2 the logging has been made almost 10 times faster so this should not be such a big issue.

    Randy suggests ATT, GPS, CTUN, NTUN, PM as default.

  • I had a similar problem using Auto, not RTL when between waypoints I got a large altitude increase which was not part of the plan.



  • Developer

    Hi mate,

    These logs are interesting. It looks like you got a bunch of vibration half way through your return to launch. This messed up the inertial navigation and caused it to think you were descending. It then took off.


    The first thing I would recommend that you do is set INS_MPU6K_FILTER to 20. It looks like your logs are ok for the most part. But then you hit some sort of resonance or something and away it goes.


    Also, what happened at the end of the flight before your second RTL. The logs look like you had a bad landing or something. Did you turn off the radio after landing or something.


    Call me when you can and we can have a chat.


    I will also show this to Randy.



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