Quad Copter Log Analysis Post Crash

Hello All,

Having not used my quad for a long time I have now started to use it again. Unfortunately I have experienced a few "random" crashes while flying. 

The last crash happened when changing from positive pitch to negative pitch. 

The quad is a flame wheel 450 with ublox gps running Arducopter 3.2.1

Having not been in the loop for a while I am not too sure what other information you require. I would really appreciate it if someone could either give me some suggestions as to why the crash might be happening or review the log data. I have tried looking at the logs but having no experience in reviewing the data I am not sure what to look out for to help diagnose the problem. 

The flight generally seems to be very stable. After a crash if I restart the quad it flies as normal until it crashes again.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Robert Wells

2018-11-23 14-13-24.bin

2018-11-23 14-13-24.log

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  • Hi Greg,

    Thank you for the reply. Something interesting noticed today. 

    Yesterday I did a test fight and all worked well. 

    Today a few seconds after launch all motors cut. 

    Yesterday the props were set to spin when armed

    Today arming didnt start the motors spinning. 

    Does that help you work anything out?

    In the meantime I will strip things down to see if I can see any issue.


  • I am not sure what the cut off point for running on APM. Old hardware is fine and 3.2 I think is the last or close to the last version. You have to find your real problem. Look for loose connections and also for little whiskers or stray wire stands that can break off from a solder joint and cause intermittent shorts than can reboot the FC. It could be fine on the ground, but the vibration from flight causes the problem.  Good luck!

  • Thanks, unfortunately I am not on a PixHawke and so Mission Planner wont let me install the very latest firmware. Is there another later version i could try?

  • Your log contains almost no information. The only thing being logged is attitude and RCin. Not much to go on. I don't even see a crash at the end. You RCin just end with the sticks not centered, so that tells me that the log just ended mid flight. You lost power to the FC or everything. Once you find the flaky connection I would up up date to the latest version and re do all your calibrations. A lot has changed since 3.2 for the better. And enable more logging.

  • An update,

    The drone now takes off and immediately after launch the motors die. Any ideas>

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