
  • If you guy's don't ban together and self regulate. It is entirely possible drones could be completely banned and there could be a serious crack down on model aircraft as well.

    One downed plane will do it. Not a few- Just one. There is even a possibility that an anti-drone person could loose their mind and do it on purpose. 

    Drone hype is going to become counter productive to the sport very soon.

    You guy's need to chill and get it together.

    Drones are not going to take over the world anytime soon and all this hype may insure that it does not happen for an even longer period.

    Not only that but it can and probably will also have a major impact on the model aircraft community.

    We had it pretty good before all this hype. Now it looks to me like drones will also alienate the model aircraft community it sprang from.

    I promise you it won't be ugly if something really goes wrong it will just end and there will be slow progress with professionals doing all the fun stuff.

    If you don't think so just watch. One accident for real like this and the entire world will ban drones in 24hrs completely and entirely that will be the end of model drone flying.

    If you wont make the effort to self regulate you think the general public will care what you think if there is a strike or a crash?

    Just one!

    With blatant disregard for the general public? Which is the message I've seen here all along. No one cares enough to self regulate the hobby. Even to attempt it? That shows me and the rest of the world you don't care enough about yourselves and that certainly says you don't care enough about any one else.

    There are no apples to be bad! Drones have no category because there is no one to represent them.

    The truth is how dangerous can a small drone be? Well if you fly one you know what you can do with one. Or what someone else could do with one. I don't need to tell you what could happen. Is that danger worth the fun of a handful of people that don't even care enough to have a real voice?

    NO! Not a chance.

  • A few bad apples. I hate seeing this stuff
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