Quadrotor altitude ceiling

In ya'lls experience, what is the maximum altitude that a standard sized quadrotor can reach? What is the limiting effect that keeps a quadrotor from getting any higher? 

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  • I am no expert on this, but I think there are several factors:

    1) Laws - restricted ceilings 500ft in USA I think

    2) Altitude sensor if there is one, is most likely scaled and therefore its accuracy would  diminish as you get higher or lower than the scaling factor.

    3) VFR - Pilots eyes, at 500 ft most quads are a dark dot in the sky making it dificult to navigate if you loose orientation

    4) FPV - Signal range - I did tests that made it possible to fpv at a max range of 700 feet up and 3300 feet away using futaba 9c 2.4g and 5.8g Vtx in a suburb like setting.

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