Question about ardupilot 1.0 code

Hi, i'm trying to make first test of an ardupilot red board, first i'd like to test on the ground, like with the NE test software, but when i try to compile with arduino ide 22, 23, or the last version, i have some compiling error... i have to use ide 13? If yes, i downloaded old version, but does not start.... how can i upload ardupilot 1.0 or NE!?!?! Or, can i use the new code 2.7 with this version of ardupilot, even with no FMA or IMU installed? Thanks to all!!!!


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  • Developer


         sorry to be annoying but could you put more details of exactly what board you're using (a link to the store or something) and copy-paste in the compiler error that you're seeing?

         My guess based on very little knowledge of your set-up is that you don't have the arduino ide default sketch set properly so it can't find the libraries.

  • pleas someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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