Random throttle "burps" in stabilize mode.

Hello, I just finished building my first APM controlled multi rotor. I have not done much other than some hover tests, trying to dial in the pids.The last few flights, I have been getting random moments where the throttle will spike for a moment. The aircraft lifts about a foot, but otherwise remains stable.I believe this started what I updated to 2.7, but it is also possible a value I adjusted may have done it. The only values I changed from default are Rate Roll P, and Stabilize P.I am not very familiar with the logging system yet, but if no one had any "top of the head" ideas, could you at least point me to what to chech in the log?Thanks in advance. If you would like to see the log, just let me know what one (.log, .tlog). I don't know the difference yet, except that .log is from the APM, and .tlog is from the GCS telemetry.

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  • I think I have figured this out.  I had CH7 set to RTL, and I think it was triggering.  I didn't notice anything in the logs (don't know where to look) but viewing the flight in google earth made it obvious that the mode kept changing.  I disabled CH7, and flew again.  Much better this time.

  • Here are the logs.  Not sure what looks "normal" or not yet.  There are some spikes in throttle in, but they could be from me?  Not sure.  Anyone with a bit of experience looking at these could maybe take a look and let me know what you think.


    2012-07-29 10-14 2.log

  • I would also like some help with logs.  When I go to terminal in mission planner I can type logs and it shows logs exist.  When I then type dump, logs are dumped to the terminal.  However, when I click on download logs, I get a message that says "can't open comport" and that is it.  I've searched diydrones and read manuals but I can't find any answers.  I'm currently on 5.6.1 but will be upgrading to 5.7 tomorrow.  I have no radio telemetry.  I'm using the USB cable after flight?

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