Rebuilt tricopter, for longer flight time.

Hello,I really like my tricopter to fly with it, but my ESC or motor on the left front arm doesn't work very good. But it is okay, I already fly it about 5 months and want to have longer flight time.I fly with a 2200mah 3S I fly 8 minutes, but I still want to fly for longer, so I was thinking maybe a bigger battery or motors with a lower kv and a bigger prop.So I go for the lower kv motor. Off course it is more expensive but I want some new motors too, so that's why!I want to film with the tri, so it need to fly slow and nice.The setup for now isMotors: DT750ESC 20A SimonkKK2.0And a orange rx receiver.And a spectrum dx6iI was thinking at these motors then I need to remplace my ESC too.Prop I don't know!Is the motor good?It is the frame from rcexplorer

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  • i have the same problem with the props, bu on 3s they are fine, but if i fly evry day, the are getting white too at the root.
    • maybe it's the extra weight of the 4000mah battery... my in flight failure was quite dramatic but with a 2200mah 4s, seeing half the blade fly off. and tumble from the sky...

      the piece actually hit another prop and ripped one of the led's off the arm too.

      I'll let you know hot the new props fair. they have a thicker wider root and seem to flex less.

      • Here is a video where you can make a anti vibration thing:
        It is very easy to make, and i am going to make it too.
        • 3702761027?profile=originalSomething like this ;-)

          Bored Friday afternoon at work...

          Garage loyalty cards seem to do the trick...

          • Great! Does it help much for jello?

            I have measured how long I could fly with a 3S 4000mah 20C battery, and it was about 20minutes, it was not hovering, but it was having fun, my end voltage was 11,1 I think. There was 3000mah back in the lipo.
            • I tried 2x 2200 lipos in parallel, (see photo) 

              flight time only 15 minutes compared to 8:30 (new props less efficient, but don't snap) and not much power (due to the extra weight 410g vs 196g), compared to the 4s 2200 lipo giving 12 minutes of power and prop breaking fun.

              I've yet to try the 4s 4000 lipo's as my charger blew up and my backup one will only charge 3s.


            • Not uploaded any video from damper V1, but did a quick v2 video this morning... (and was late for work)

              The intention was to have check if there was much distortion as there are lots of straight edges for comparison. also quite gusty and have the rates turned up quite high so movements can be quite snappy when I want them to be... but, looks better already.

              PS I like the new props. I put them on quick last night and din't balance them. I have a large pile which I will work through slowly...


            • Ill upload some video later, not sure it was helping much. may have to use thinner ties so it transfers less vibration.

              Double the flight times sounds good.

              Not sure about you, but my head hurts if I fly longer than 10 mins.

              Just keep an eye on the props that the extra weight isn't over stressing them.  

              I changed out one of the motors as the tail one has quite worn bearings and balanced the props properly (read as using blobs of superglue to add weight until its right, even waited for it to dry and before rechecking it)

              not happy with the way megapirate is flying (3.1 r2 beta) but I'll swap to a genuine (chinese copy) APM and see where we go from there.

              I've also just built a 250 size mini quad with the very cheap frame (10$) from HK. flight time off a 3s 2200 lipo 14mins.

              has a little crius multiwii v1 on it, no baro, no magnetometer, as I want to practice my acro (still can do an auto level...)

              I'm happy with the way it flies (4 flights), but my charger blew up last night. so a bit stuck for more flying.

              But really want to try out the FPY system... (DIY transmitter on this with home made antennas)3702869213?profile=original3702869158?profile=original

  • you can fly better than me. I can only fly with the tail towards me or like 90 degrees, i am still practicing on flying towards me, but right now i can`t fly becouse i have a yaw problem.
    • I just keep buying props... I'm not too concerned about crashing though as I built my tri I can fix or replace any part.... I have 3 heli's that I cannot say the same about...

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