Servo stutter

Hello everybody.

Me and my friend are trying to setup my T-Rex 600 with the APM 2.5 but we are having problems with the servos for roll and nick stuttering, but there is no issues when moving the Collective pitch. 

We have tried numerous things like, two BEC's, playing with reciever frame rate, different reciever/transmitter, older APM firmware, digital/analog servos ect. But it seem like the problem comes from the APM itself. 

What could be the problem? and what could fix this?

Video of the the problem in action:

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  • Sorry to jump into this conversation so late, and I too was not able to see the video so this may be of no help.  but how old are your servos?  I had a similar problem with servo twitch and even though I was using digital servos they were pretty old. It turned out that the bandwith on older digital servo signals is much wider than the bandwith on newer servos so the older servos were constantly trying to find the center point. 

  • Rob, did you find any revealing things in the log that might help us?

    • Hi Rune, sorry for the delay.  I finally had time to look at this, and clicked on the link, but it's one of those crazy free download sites where you never know which download button is the real one and which has malware.  Can you not upload directly to this website?

  • I'm sorry for the two pling noises in the last video I didn't realize they where there until I got home from my friend.

  • Uploaded the V3.1.3 Acro fix firmware and now Acro mode works and there is also no stuttering in Acro mode!

    Hope the log file works i have no idea if i got RCOut and PID logging activated, but I did set ch6 to rate. 

    Log files: 2014-07-28 20-58-06

    • Is this log showing the problem?  Or it's running the acro fix code and doesn't have the problem?

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