Hi all!  Thanks for all of the help you have already lent me in getting started with my 3DR Y6. 

The Pixhawk is looking for mode selection information to come to it via Channel 5, where it is finding my gear switch.  How do I get Pixhawk and the DX7 to cooperate to use the 3-position Flaps switch for mode control instead?  I'm using a Spektrum Satellite receiver, so I can't just swap some connectors. 

I'm using MissionPlanner.  I tried qgroundcontrol, because I noticed it has channel numbers in the advanced radio calibration screen. However, I was not able to modify those, and they all just remained set to "1".  I also didn't have any options in the "select controller" dropdown box. 

Thanks for the help!


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        • I never found a solution.  I'm actually not using the gear switch at all.  I'm using a combination of the 3-way flap switch and the Rudder D/R switch to get 6 different settings, which I forward to Channel 5 using a mix.  The gear switch is completely disabled using another mix, and still another keeps Channel 6 from moving.

          I've got Ch 7 set to switch cameras using Kristaps RCCC.  That part works well.  I had to give up camera gimbal tilt control.

          • So you are basically sacrificing one channel and mixing ch 6 to ch 5 right?

            That is what i wanted to avoid of course.

            I have created a issue for this on this on GIT Hub

            -add RCMAP_to the FlightMode and AUX channels.

  • You have to change the switches within your Spektrum transmitter via the Setup... Switch Select screen.

    Or if you want to use two switches so you can enable 6 flight modes (you will use the Gear and Flap switches in a mixed configuration on your transmitter) follow the screens shown here (this is for a DX7s):



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