I am a college student and am working on a project to build a UAV to do aerial mapping of my 700 acre campus for our senior project. We initially thought of using an electric sailplane as an airframe due to its efficiency, but am thinking about using either a Sig Kadet Senior, a Senior Telemaster, or a Sig Rascal 110 as a airframe due to its large lift potential. We are going to use electric because of noise and lower vibrations. To increase image quality we plan on using a high quality POS or DSLR with a stabilizing mount like Chris made here. We plan on mounting this internally and thus want a lot of fuselage space. We also want flight times in excess of 1 hour. Could these planes, converted to electric, support flight times of this duration? Is bigger better? We have plenty of soccer fields to land our UAV.Any Ideas?

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  • Not sure if you've moved pasat this but I've built the telemaster, adapting it as I went and its a stunning airframe for trials. I buil it with over sized space unthere the C of G and over powered it (with gas).

    Most excellent!
  • Hi,
    I would recommend a Penguin UAV Airframe for your project. The design of Penguin is very efficient and clean and you would easily obtain 1+ hours of electric flight. There is a lot of space for DSLR (or even two of them).
    Please visit www.uavfactory.com for more details on Penguin airframe (website still in development, so not as smooth as should be). Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to answer them!

    Penguin UAV technology demonstrator.pdf



    UAV Factory – Unmanned Platforms and Subsystems
    UAVFACTORY - high performance composite airframe design and manufacture for the unmanned industry
  • At Embry-Riddle, we've used both the Kadet Senior and the Senior Telemaster. They're fairly equivalent, but the Telemaster has significantly better low-speed handling. I don't have any experience with the Rascal 110, but I have seen other teams using it with some success. Electric conversion is simple for any of them.
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