Skywalker x8 weaving during flight in AUTO mode

Hi guys,

I have problem with navigation of my Skywalker x8 in AUTO mode. As you see on the picture below, the plane cant fly straight between waypoints and also makes unnecessary turnings. I am using mission planner ver. 1.3.44.


First I tought the problem is with navigation tuning and tried to change some parameters, Here are the parameters from which I started:




RLL2SRV_D 0.02

RLL2SRV_I 0.04




After that I tried to make some changes in the values but it didnt help. Do you have any idea which parameter can cause this issue? Some other parameter what I didnt change? Or could it be something else like compass error? The plane is flying well in manual and FBWA modes. I will appreciate any help!!

I also uploaded the logs to google drive, here is the link for download:

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  • Hi Mira, 

    tested another GPS/COMPASS unit, same result. Went lower on NAVL1_PERIOD from 20 to 19 and the effect only got worse. Couldn't continue tests due to strong winds, tomorrow will be testing going higher on NAVL1_PERIOD. My navigation issues started after I have turned off STALL PREVENTION.

    Looking forward to your results, too.

    Kind regards,


  • iskess said:

    My guess is that your NAVL1_PERIOD is too high. Try lowering it incrementally. I think you'll end up somewhere between 15 and 18.
    Thank you for your advice, we will try it tomorrow and I will let you know abot our results. Do you also use Skywalker X8 + PixHawk? If so, could you please send me one of your logs? Thank you.
  • Hello Anton,

    glad to hear that somebody try to solve the same problem. I still believe that it is caused by some wrong navigation parameters. We will be testing new methods tomorrow. If we don't fix it, we will probably try to connect new PixHawk flight controller. Please let me know about your todays testing of a new GPS/comapss unit that we can both figure it out asap. Good luck!

    Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    can you please check this log, too? Have almost same behaviour on one of my flying wings. Weird enough it was flying well before. The only difference is that I have switched off STALL PREVENTION. Just in case, I have replaced the GPS/COMPASS unit and will be testing tomorrow.

    NAVL1_PERIOD is default 20



    Shared with Dropbox
  • My guess is that your NAVL1_PERIOD is too high. Try lowering it incrementally. I think you'll end up somewhere between 15 and 18.
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