Sonar log problem

I have installed the MB1200 XL-EV0 sonar with the recommend filter (10 ohm resistor and 100uF 10V capacitor) and have added a ferrite ring. Its running on normal servo wire. It is mounted with two bolts with fuel line as dampener. It is place on the underside of the main frame (CF) next to the battery.


When i run the sonar test in terminal everything is fine, I get consistent data and precise height measurements.

But the log seems all wrong to me.


The SonAlt don't change at all. with or without motors running. The barometer changes and shows the correct height as accurately as it can.  

Help please!

2013-07-28 12-59 1.log

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  • Hi,

    I am new to APM and I am trying to use Ultrasonic sensor for alt-hold but APM is not reading the sensor. In the terminal I have tested the sensor and it shows reading but I cannot save that in data logs. Can someone please guide me through this process. This will be a great help


  • Check this out-

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