stabilized mode problems

Having trouble with new apm2 getting  to center controls in stabilized mode.  All the servo directions and compensating movements seem to be correct (elevon mode), however,  when initiating stabilized mode, the controls act as if the plane is not level, meaning the elevons will deflect to a roll position and hold..then compensate as I move the plane. They will even move to oposite lock without moving the plane occasionally. (move side to side only in roll axis without any plane movement)

  Did I miss a step in gyro calibration?  I do let the plane sit for a few minutes before testing.  I have not experienced this in my other 2 apm1 units

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  • After closer inspection, I realized the plane was in auto.. for some reason my switches were not programed correct.

    Its good now but now my servos are glitching...  (posting new thread)

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