Stable mode problems

Hi all,

I wonder if some of you might be able to help. I've just finished building my quad using the arducopter kit. I've taken my time building as I want it to be right, and made sure to read every bit of the wiki. Loaded the most recent Ardupirates NG code. Calibrated the ESCs, run the configurator, carried out all the tests and to all intents and purposes everything checks out fine. I took if outside for it's first flight last night, powered up, checked all the leds to make sure I was in stable mode - it wouldn't take off. In fact it was acting very strangely. When I armed the motors they would all tick over - seemed fine. Disarm and arm again - now they won't tick over. Strange I thought, should it not be consistant ? Different results every time I arm the motors. When I throttle up sometimes two motors will stop working, sometimes they won't. Throughout the entire test the motor throttle would never rise to takeoff point. Different results everytime !

I switched to acro mode and to all intents and purposes it works perfectly in this mode. I didn't actually let it take off for fear of breaking it on it's first flight (I haven't flown a heli in 10 years and back then I only ever was at beginner status) I did however hold it over my head and throttle up, it definitely wanted to fly and the gyros and accelerometers all seemed to be doing their job.

So the problem seems to be just in stable mode. I tried reloading the code. I get the same effect.

Could anyone suggest to me where the problem might lie ? Am I missing something very basic ? 

Any help will be much appreciated



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  • your not an idiot! Everybody is allowed to make mistakes. That's the DIY-gen ;-)
  • in stable mode you should have only blinking green. yellow and red are alt and gps indicators. flip your gear switch and see if the yellow light goes off.

    once you are in the air you can then activate gos hold and or altitude hold.
  • Sebastian you beat me to it, but don't you think the accro mode and the stable mode switch is reversed as well?
  • Update:

    I've started again from scratch. Done all my calibrations through the CLI. Again everything checks out.

    All perfect in acro mode. In stable mode two of the motors slow down and the other two start to spin up but are really slow to get to max throttle.

    I'm baffled !
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