Strange behavior with XBees


I have a real strange problem with my XBees. 
I have two XBees sitting on one XtreamBee Board for each XBee. 
The APM is connected to one of them as per the manual and the other is connected to my laptop using a FTDI cable.

Now here´s the problem: each time I connect the wires between the APM and the XBee, I see in the terminal in X-CTU that I receive data (I´m using the test program) but only for a second or so, then it stops. 
If I disconnect the wires and reconnect them, data is received (or sent) but only for a brief moment, then it stops. 

The two XBees are obviously paired and my FTDI cable works since i can send/receive data.

Any idea what could be wrong and why it stops transmitting (or receiving, i don´t know where the problem lies)? 

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  • I have the exact same problem with you.

    I try to interface the telemetry port to Serial->USB interface directly and it works fine at 115200.

    Xbee Loopback test works fine at 115200.

    So i suspect it has something to do with how telemetry port interface with XBEE.

    May be it's something about the baudrate in APM is not accurate enough so desync occur and XBEE is not that forgiving comparing to Serial->USB interface?

  • Ok, so i got the Xbees working if I set the baud rate to 57600.
    The test program then works as i should.
    I have not been able to get i to work in 115200 baud even though I have tried the suggested "fixes" (setting two stop bits etc).

    Is it possible to use this baud rate with the APM or will it not pass the data fast enough?

    I have still not been able to get any data from the APM even though I have uncommented the define IsTel and IsXBee in the code. Is there something else that needs to be done?
  • 3D Robotics
    Try the Xbee loopback test (connect RX to TX on the plane side) within X-CTU.
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