Takeoff Procedure of a Single-Rotor Helicopter Question


I'm just wondering if it's safe and if it's gonna self takeoff when one set the helicopter to loiter mode while it is still in ground, and change the altitude parameter through mission planner "Set Altitude" to for example, 5? Will it result in the helicopter taking off automatically? or will it just stay on the ground?


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  • Thanks, I thought it would be somewhat else but I think its good to know that "Set Altitude" will not affect the auto-takeoff.

  • I don't know about that.  That's an odd thing to do.  It would be better to simply use the Takeoff command.  

    And note, I've done auto-takeoffs a few times just for fun, but 90% of the time I take off manually.  I don't think the auto-takeoff is 100% reliable.  There can be problems due to GPS movement, vibration, etc.

    • Moderator

      I don't auto take off anything as I want to feel the aircraft before I send it off somewhere just in case there is something amiss that the autopilot would handle until perhaps that particular part failed.

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