the connection between Black MAJIC debugger and pixhawk

i like to connect the BLACK MAJIC DEBUGGER into pixhawk , i think that i must add this device in the place of  FMU SWD ARM MINI JTAG  like this website
but to connect the BLACK MAGIC with  PIXHAWK must be 10 hole in pixhawk (in place of the FMU SWD ARM MINI JTAG), is that it is possible to do given that there stm32 map in the other side ?

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  • Hi Yassine,

    You have found the wrong connector. It should be the SMT one as stated here for pixhawk:

    ARM MINI JTAG (J6, not populated per default): 1.27 mm 10pos header (SHROUDED, for Black Magic Probe: FCI 20021521-00010D4LF (Distrelec, Digi-Key) or Samtec FTSH-105-01-F-DV-K (untested) or Harwin M50-3600542 (Digikey or Mouser)

    They are mounted directly to the surface of the PCB, w/o the holes.

    BTW, please be prepared that connector is 5.5+ mm tall, and it will not fit inside of the pixhawk box. You will have to make an extra hole in the top cover to close it once connectors are soldered.


    Just in case. I have used this connector by cutting it into two pieces with the hot paper knife.

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