This site has changed a lot since 2014?

It seemed to me when I originally joined this site it was way more about hacking/programming/tinkering  and dedicated to trying to solve the "drone problem."
Now it seems like more of a market place and site to discuss ready made products.
But maybe I'm mistaken?

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  • I can't really say much about how this platform changed, since I just recently joined. But maybe you could look around to find other formus for a more hacking/programming/tinkering foreward conversation.

    Those were the ones I found on the first Google search. Maybe you even know some.

    I hope this helped somehow :)
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  • Hello, I am a newb both here on DIY Drones and in the world of RC Multicopter UAVs.
    I think we can thank all those early hackers/programmers/tinkerers for the wealth of available tech today.
    I do agree with the idea of these modern websites being so different from "the old days".

    It seems the entire internet became more commercialized and less socially interactive a little at a time, as Big Money realized that by funneling it all through the internet means it can be measured, tracked, influenced, and made to show a profit (not for us).

    Facebook stole my family! I used to get emails, but with websites like FB, and SMS texting, our need to socialize has been monetized.

    I'm seeing discussion posts that are quite obviously spam, advertisements. DIY Drones apparently either doesn't care or is getting paid to allow these off topic "ad" posts. That being said, Since I'm here, I'll look around AND there are other hobbyist websites to check out.
  • I agree! I used to come here every day to see what people were up to... it's become a lot less engaging and some of the barely-disguised marketing is not like the good old days.
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