Throttle issue on simonk 20A HK BlueSeries ESC

Hello everyone

I'm another noob+

I have two similar Quads settings with APM3.x, both have been flown with KK2.1 boards and had no issues, besides some unexpected unwanted landings.

Since i wanted to move to another FC without buildung up new ones, i upgraded two existing models.

My first setting

turnigy mt-2213, HK F30A simonk, AC 3.1.5, graupner tx and rx on ppm.

Its flying great with the new FC in acro mode. since i come from kk2, i only know acro for now.

my second quad settings,  which also flew great with the KK2.1 FC:

AC 3.2 /3.1.5 APM 2.6, simonk 20A HK BlueSeries ESC, Sunnysky BL

since i have one quad flying and the other not. i assume that my configuration and assembly should not be the issue to my thrust problem.

When i arm the quad, one motor wont start at the same time

and the throttle range is not at full stick-traveling-range on the TX. 

TRH_LOW MID MAX adjustment haven't improved anything

ESC calibrated manually and auto didn't solved the issue, but had full throttle range.

could someone help me ? could it be that the my 20A Hobbyking blueseries HKz20A is the issue ? 

thanks for helping and Merry Christmas.

Pardon my for my english, its not my mother tongue. 

greetings max

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  • thanks for your reply, i will try it out once i have converted it back to apm. since i am on holidays and really wanted to fly, i changed the FC to the kk2.1 again.

    i also want to thank you, simonk, for your great work and effort you are contributing to the multicopter scene.

  • Maybe try a servo tester to each ESC to make sure the outputs are matching? If not, you will want to calibrate every ESC from the same source. Otherwise, the problem must be with the flight controller (perhaps a trim problem?).

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