Tricopter spin.

I've built a Tricopter. The radio is calibrated in Mission Planner, the Esc's are calibrated. Prop configuration, right prop, (Pusher) ran clockwise, the left prop and tail prop (Regular) turned counter clockwise. No luck? I tried all different prop configurations nothing worked? Anybody have any ideas what is causing the Tricopter to spin?

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          • I forgot to add that the servo plugged into "Output pin 7" doesn't do anything either. Just twitches when power is 1st put to the APM.

  • Hi Joe, just set up my tri as well had a similar problem then I had to reverse the "ch7" setting in mission planner (as opposed to the radio) in the advanced parameter tab. Visually, yawing right (left stick ->right) on the controller should rotate the pusher tail counter clockwise when viewing the tail from the outside looking center. 

    • Hi Brandon,

      I went into the advanced parameter tab and changed it from Channel 4, (Yaw Channel), to Channel 7. I went through the entire APM calibration again. Everything checked out...

      But I haven't hooked the battery by itself yet to see if the Tricopter is going to fly? I'll put the props back on tomorrow and see what happens? I'll post the results. Thanks for the input...


      • Hi Joe,

        why do have 8 inputs ?

        Did you try (without props!) in MP-->Initial Setup-->Mandatory Hardware-->Failsafe if your TX commands work ?

        Does a roll, pitch, yaw input move the correct bar and a mode change display the correct mode ? If yes, and the motor speed doesn't change according to the bar try with a servo to check for an ESC problem.

        • Hi Ultrafuge,

          Why do I have 8 inputs? I was tracing the signal from the radio to the receiver. I wasn't sure what pin was doing what? So I hooked them all up and see which pin responded to the signal sent from the radio. I only have 1 through 5 hooked up now on the Input side. 1,2,4,7 on the Output side. As for the Roll, Pitch, Yaw input I haven't tested that yet?

          MP without props? Not yet. I had "erased" the APM, and then step by step went and recalibrated it. MP-Installed Firmware-Wizard-Mandatory-Hardware. Right now Flight Mode 1 through 6 are listed Stabilized. Flight mode 3 is Highlighted Green.


          • Toggling the Flight Mode switch on the radio doesn't change the Mode's showing in MP? 

            • Hi Joe,

              maybe I totally misunderstand you, but you say:

              'Right now Flight Mode 1 through 6 are listed Stabilized.'

              If all Flight modes are set to Stabilized, why should there be a change :

              "Toggling the Flight Mode switch on the radio doesn't change the Mode's showing in MP"

              YOU are supposed to change the Flight Modes in MP, so that you can select one with your TX switch. You can see this by connecting to MP, i.e. at MP-->Initial Setup-->Mandatory Hardware-->Failsafe

              • Oh! I had different settings before Flight Mode beside just Stabilized , Acro, RTL. etc. But nothing shows when I check in Failsafe? 

                • Moving the control sticks and toggle switches on the transmitter to their limits of travel and observe the results on the radio calibration bars. Red lines will appear across the calibration bars to indicate maximum and minimum values. Move the Ch 5 and 6 toggle switches through their range of positions (Ch 7 and 8 are not used for basic operations).

                  The transmitter should cause the following control changes:
                  Channel 1: low = roll left, high = roll right.
                  Channel 2: low = pitch forward, high=pitch back.
                  Channel 3: low = throttle down (off), high = throttle up.
                  Channel 4: low = yaw left, high = yaw right.

                  (Channel 4 does nothing? No changes when I move the switches.)

                  Moving Ch 5 and 6 toggle switches through their range of positions, nothing happens?

                  • Hi Joe,

                    Thats great news, I was wondering if the APM was getting the right settings from the Radio.

                    Once it's sending correctly, just check in the radio calibration screen that the stick that moves is moving the right item on the screen.

                    Good luck with it all.



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