Trouble with MinimOSD, Have overlay but no video?

Hy all


Just got mi MinimOSD and got immediately the overlay but no video from the cam.

Ok switched to NTSC no success.

Powered the OSD just with the APM conector, no success.

Power the hole OSD with 12v, no success.


Still no video Image but the overlay is correct!


Whats wrong????


(By the way the cam does work without OSD when I just connect it to the TX (TBS Cam and GoPro tested)



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  • I have the same problem :(

    have you found an solution?

    • hope this helps, let me know please)3702602778?profile=original

  • Same problem here after a crash!!!! No solutions so far...

    Mine is a chinese MinimOSD 1.0 powered only by 5v coming from the APM2.5

This reply was deleted.


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