Using UAV for an RF-antenna measuring range?

Hi! My first post! Not sure what categori my question fits in..

What I want to do is flying a small radio receiver to predefined waypoints, and do RF-field strength measurements from a transmitter on the ground. I want the UAV to hover at the waypoint, tell the receiver that it can do its measurements, and continue to the next waypoint when the measurement is done. Can the autopilot in the UAV input/output such information? Is the GPS-data (NMEA?) from the autopilot available for the measurement receiver?


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  • Gunnar,

    I have a nice contract in the wings if I can get my hands on some equipment that measures the RF. We could create a platform for the equipment needed but we would have to patent it and it might take some time. I need this equipment now.

    Please if you hear of anything let me know.



  • No, I`ve been in touch with Jason a while ago (see second post), but have not got any closer to a conclusion. His drones are probably overkill for my application, but I would be very interested in some more information and a rough price estimate.

  • Hi Gunnar,


    Did you ever find a unit for sale that measures RF data.


  • Hi Gunnar

    This is my first post too :-)

    Yes, what you are saying is definitely achievable. In fact we are actually doing this right now. Yes you can get GPS coordinates from pixhawk.

    check out

    Happy to chat if you want (PM me).



    • Hi!

      Very interesting! Seems to be exactly what I`m looking for. I`ll PM you with some more questions. Regards, Gunnar

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