Very new, not entirely sure how to start

I'm new to drones/UAVs, but I'm looking to learn. It seems to be quite expensive to start, but I'm very interested. If I buy the ArduCopter 3DR kit, will I need to buy any other parts to build a working drone? Is there a cheaper/better way for a newbie to start? Would it be cheaper to buy the parts separately? Is there a guide to buying and building from parts? Thanks for any help!

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  • +1 on getting the new GPS and an APM 2.0 assembled w/ external GPS.

    My advise being new to this as well is to first read all over the forums for any threads with "problems" or "help" in the title, then try ones with "how to" and "PID" in the title. Then go to the wiki and read through everything, understanding there are no descriptions of what the parameters and functions are other than what is stated there.

    I certainly don't mean to discourage you in any way, these are just things I should have done myself before committing to the hardware I did (traditional heli, but that is its own issue :-)

    Find the most experienced and successful person who is posting help for others and copy him as best as you can LOL, it's your best bet.

    As for parts and what to buy, if you have no RC experience you are in for some sticker shock when you start adding up the accessories required like lipo batteries, charger, power supply, radio, tools, connectors, ect...

    You are buying into a hobby, not buying a toy to play with.

    My $0.02
  • I have the following, and things pretty much work "out of the box" as far as software:

    They just came out with a new uBlox GPS, so you may want to get the APM2 without built in GPS if you want to get the new GPS (

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