
Hi there,I tested my Easystar yesterday at the local park, i was using the ardupilot 2.23 (latest) code, with the shield. I added the waypoints using the desktop utility and all seem to work well. The easystar went to the waypoints set. However i decided to go the the RC flying club the following day, again using the same setup, the only difference was that I put in the waypoints that match the flying club. This time round the easystar started flying towards a point that was not added using the desktop utility. There was a bit a wind however it went to a position about 100 meters away from the defined waypoint and then decided to nose down. has anyone else experienced the same problem??? if so, how have they overcome this problem....any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated. I set the altitude for about 50m above ground (ref). Again I'm using the latest code (ver 2.23) and the ardushield

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  • After loading 2.3.3 I did some ground testing but did not give any reliable results so I set the code for walk around mode, still can be sure its working. Now after setting the .h file back to normal mode the serial monitor prints out as it used to do until the GPS kicks in. the it prints "test 2" then a seriies of minus value numbers like ---35. -26 etc. any thoughts
  • From what I've read the measured altitude is always AGL (above ground level). I'll have to check the utility next time I fly and see what the max alt. and airspeed says. I'm using a pitot-static tube, not the type that Chris and Jordi uses so I'm sure my values will be off.
  • Mikil,
    I've been test flying versions of Ardupilot for quite a while now and one day the plane flies as expected and the next, she'll do something completely different (without any code changes). The only variable I can think of is the weather. Since the thermopiles react to the temperature gradient and the input mixes with the navigation input for the final output to the control surfaces, maybe a cloudy day with a wet ground vs. a sunny, dry day is making a significant difference.
    Have you flown in RTL mode and does she return home? Some of us are having trouble with this and our planes are flying due east.
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