what are the limits for ACRO_RP_P?

Me and a friend have have built a 200mm diagonal quad design for fun/acro/fpv as refreshing change to big multis :).

My previous nutter quad was a 300mm ecks with KK that I had set reasonably aggro in acro.

I have seen Rob Lefebvre say the limit is 10 in a youtube vid for 3.1 acro, but mentioned it could be higher, the param list says 1:10....but setting on channel 5 allows more, and is confirmed after refreshing params with chan 5 set high.

How high have your tried? Does the AHRS get confuses above 10?

I plan in creeping it up from default 4.5 on channel 5, but wondered what the acro nutters had experienced.


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  • Ive had it up as far as 13 on my 250.

    i did have a unexplained crash today with it set to 11 however i feel its not related to this setting but something else , about to post my logs and hope to find out but the basics are i did two rolls then it felt like i lost connection or the cpu overloaded :/.

    • Thanks Hector,

      I tried diualling mine up using channel 6today, but need to caclulate what value I got up to using rcin.  Pretty sure is well over 10 though. Need to tube up the rate PIDs a bit more I think too, to lock it in better.

      • yep u sure will , i found with the minis that pids needed to go down about 30% from stock however you may experience wobbles when you throttle up hard and this is unavoidable till we get TPA in arducopter.

        • OK, upped P and I a bit today and that felt nice, I worked out that I was up to 14 on ACRO_RP_P on last flights, so I upped more until I hit the stops...which is 20 on the limits i set. Did some full stick rolls! its probably as fast as I want for a while! seemed to cope ok. No obvious bounce back.

          4s sub 400g with fpv gear and 200mm diagonal might let me get away with it :)

          Will update if I see issues.

          • good to hear mate , ive seen people give up on apm for there mini as they thought it couldnt get faster glad you questioned it :)

            • I'm running a VR ubrain 5.2....but not sure that makes much difference to how high it can go. Got to push the limits sometimes :) even if its more than my own hehe.

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