I have successfully built an API that will work with Ipad/ Iphone and will be able to port it to Android. This app can create missions, follow live mavlink .9 (Still working on 1.0) data with telemetry data. Cool thing is that it is a cheap cable to make. I want to know how many people would be interested in this App and the cable. There will be two versions one for jail broke devices that will have a few extras and for regular IOS and Droid OS. If there enough buzz I will give a lucky few in couple weeks a free beta pass through iTunes to be able to test and use for flight. What the app does is that it send a mavlink message to the xbee or 3d radio back and forth so you be able to fly and track using your tablet or phone.



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  • Update working on a PCB board that will run wifi\bluetooth\ and serial to IOS device. Will make a android device board. It will have two ports for either 6pin xbee and 3dr radio. Also will have a usb port if you have the usb 3dr radio that comes in one of the kits. Sending out sch to get boards made lead time is 5 days. Once get the protype boards in will solder and test out all the functions. App is still in progress. Still working on some Mavlink issues. So far my test platform is sending messages crazy fast I send 2mb of data on the xbee 900 and received in less than 10 secs. IAP chip from apple is the chip I am waiting for the non jailbreak devices. I will start looking for testers in week or so. I have to go back to Cali for couple of weeks so be super busy around then. Plus kid on the way.

  • Success with bluetooth a xbee and even 3dr radio with IOS. PCB board is next in step. This will also work with Ikopter if you don't have a APM.

  • This is the datasheet on what bluetooth chip will be used.

    However, I can't display the coprocessor chip that apple sent you so you don't have to jail break.

  • Apple sending me contracts with MFI program on my cables. Don't worry this won't make the cable and dongles expensive. The encoder chip that got awhile back that lets you use bluetooth with no jailbreak codes will be easier to in productions levels. Still looking at $50 or less for this.

  • what about adding network socket support for getting the data from a mavproxy?

    Keep up the great work..

  • I've tested 3DR telemetry kit with Samsung Galaxy SII and Android 4.0 over USB host cable. It is detected as FTDI RS 232 serial device. Will it work with you app ?

  • I like the idea of connecting via bluetooth. This way you can leave the modem in your pocket and see the telemetry in your iPad without cables going around.

    Is there already some beta software for jailbroken iPad, so we can start testing?



  • Came back from Cali this morining. I had some good talk with some engineers on possibly getting approved hardware around September or October for non jailbreak solution.

  • i was made one for my ipad1(3.3.2 jailbreak) moths ago, XBEE conect ipad via TTL. I take IPAD outside for adjust ACM quad's PID and a simple google map show quad current location. a lot of good time :) but dont have time to do more. and i found MWC fly better than ACM, then long time no touch my IPAD&ACM :(



  • Nice job, I want one!! 

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