Why did my motor shut down ?

I am about to try to troubleshoot a motor failure on my hex and was wondering if anyone with more experience can give me a possible point as to where to start looking.

It happened twice, first time it failed, it was at least brought down in one piece, checked everything and armed it again and it flew just fine.

2nd time it happened on the last flight, again luckily i managed to save the multi, before these flights i never had the problem.

i am using a gemini-M flight controller, these motors:


sunriemodel himulti 30amp multirotoresc's

18x5.5 props

6 cell lipo,

From what it seems if i look at the motor specs the motor does not pull more than 21 amps on an 18 inch prop

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  • the vibration parameter read ud-22 ud-15 ud-12, ud-11, ud-6 on higher vibration levels does that mean something ?

  • Please can anyone perhaps read this file from the gemini black box and intepret what they see wrong ? This was the last minute of the flight and the motor failure happened between 10-20 meters after coming in for a landing.

    I tried to read it myself and although there is quite a few parameters i don't quite understand it.


    • Can a motor shut down due to excessive vibration ? biggest i have gotten is 38 on shake but that is not when the motor failed, i had 1 shake of a value of 34 while it was failing or close to when it failed if i read the data correctly ?

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