I would appreciate if someone can tell me what went wrong. We had a successfuly waypoint test last week. On Monday, we did another test at higher altitude, 200 m, and longer distance on Align's flying field at riverbank. The flight was normal at first but shortly after switching to auto mode, a military helicopter flew nearby - at much higher altitude off course. Somehow, the MP screen showed the quad changed from auto mode to loiter mode by itself, then it descended straight down slowly but steadily (still in loiter mode as shown on MP). I tried to switch to RTL, then loiter, then stable, neither was working. I couldn't take the control back. The quad continued to go down steadily, and eventually into water.

I attached the tlog here. At first I thought it's GPS failure because of the military helicopter but GPS seemed to be OK. Battery was almost full before takeoff and it's still a new battery. So it's not battery failsafe either. I don't understand why the quad went down when MP show it's in loiter mode. Also, why I couldn't switch to RTL or stable mode?


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  • Thanks for sharing this experience, great way for us newbies to learn (unfortunately at some one else's expense)

  • I have lost a full fpv quad with gimbal and gopro black due to not properly planning out (and testing) my failsafe configuration, I feel your pain Shouyeh. 

    • Indeed, APM is a love hate FC.
      • ...to be fair, the APM was not at fault here. The RC system failed for what ever reason. In fact, if the APM was configured correctly, it would have in all likelihood, saved your copter!

        • Absolutely, that's why my next quad will still be an APM drone. It just takes so much......oh! you know.
          • You can set the failsafe for RTL instead of LAND. Then this won't happen.

          • ... yes I know ;) I had a similar episode early on when I was playing with my battery fail safe settings after implementing a custom current sensor. I thought everything was disabled but about 5 minutes into my flight, my quad descended into the harbour thinking its batteries were about to give out - it was still at 75% but the sensor was reading way too high and it entered a LAND sequence due to battery failsafe and there was nothing I could do.... I had to replace all electronics including gimbal controller and camera... Not quite as bad as yours but I do feel the pain....

  • Posr the .log if you recovered the uas, thats where the answer is.

    • I uploaded the .log from my skyhunter in another thread. Would you look at it and find out why the airplane was going down in auto mode?

    • That's simply not possible, current was rapid midstream. I lost everything.

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