Yaw causes massive wobble (APM 3.2.1)

I tried setting up my copter today for camera flying.
1.73 kg, 3S, MS2216-900kv motors, 11x4.5 HQprops, Arducopter 3.2.1.

Autotune went fine. Flying is fine on roll and pitch. As soon as I yaw, even if just 10°, the entire copter destabilizes and will start wobbling wildly on all axes, then catch itself.
Yawing right makes it worse than left.
Log attached. Don't mind the brownout message, there wasn't one.. log just didn't close properly it seems.
Unfortunately, I have no video of this.
Any ideas?

Video of the issue added.


2015-05-24 14-06-33.zip

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  • O-kay. Issue found.
    ACRO_YAW_P was set to 45. I have no idea why. Highest possible value should be 10.
    MP didn't complain about writing such a value to the APM, or reading it from it.. it only complained about loading that value from a file.
    It still feels somewhat wobbly when turning, but nowhere near crash risk anymore.

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