I am M&E for an intervention which would like to capture the number of hectares under specific techniques/technologies (Conservation / technical climate smart agricultural, plantation management Improved: better weeding and pruning technologies; Impr
Spaying accuracy is one of the most important reasons that the fully automatic drones are not widely used in the pesticide spraying application. The accuracy is mainly constraint by the GPS positioning accuracy.
Pondering when farmer flies a drone, capture multi-spectral data and generates all those colorful imagery, whats the best resource they have to interpret the data collected to convert into meaningful action items. I am assuming for most cases farmers
I am putting together my first auto-pilot for Agri usage and wonder where to start. I would ideally be able to use smallest frame which can handle visual photo, ndvi and maybe IR camera, plus some sort of telemetry for remote data collection where po
I see that we can create orthomosaics for farms, and potentially NDVI maps using camera hacks. What are the other practical possibilities at the moment for using drone with wineries. Are there any sensors which can tell us about soil, water etc?
Not sure if anyone is running PIX4D however I am not sure why but I am getting bad results with my data. I am flying 3dr Solo with GoPro4 with 5.4MM Lens. I am flying at 300ft with 70% sidelap taking pictures every two seconds.
We are new to drones and are seeking recommendations for user friendly equipment that will help us map and monitor farm/wildlife acreage. Maybe adding thermal imaging to help monitor coyote/deer activity later on? Product reviews and/or educational m
I currently have a Canon SX260 with near-infrared capabilities that I attach to my 3DR Y6. I also use the GoPro camera that it came with. My SX260 keeps getting damaged from dust, and I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem? I fly
Good morning,I heard recently (from one of the recent 333 holders who was very polite and helpful) that one of the best parts of the sensefly ebee is that the code prioritizes camera stabilization just before triggering the shutter, resulting in much
I am not a drone guy, sorry :) but capturing images with a Cessna. One day we are going to engineer our own drone once they become more efficient for our operations. However, that is a different discussion for another day.