GSC Compass shows 180degree change for a 90degree turn?

I did the live compass mot test several times and keep getting 17 17 17 and it tells me its saved the changes but it starts out 180 degree out of phase, meaning red gps heading line point out the back instead of foward. So in a nut shell, out of the 360 degrees I can rotate my bird, its right only on 1 degree.  Also it freaking rotates once in the air but twice on GCS.  

Latitude: 38° 15' 15" N
Longitude: 85° 45' 34" W
Magnetic declination: -4° 34' WEST
Declination is NEGATIVE
Inclination: 66° 32'
Magnetic field strength: 52321.9 nT

The box in mp reads 4.4575


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  • ANYONE? 

  • Have you tried looking under the Compass page and making sure your orientation selection is not set for 180 degrees off? It should be set to "None".


  • Developer

    Nothing to worry about re a negative declination.

    I've never heard of 17 17 17 appearing out of compassmot procedure but it doesn't sound good.  Perhaps make a video or paste a screenshot of the results of the compassmot procedure?

    I suspect you've already seen it but just in case, here is the wiki page with the details of how to perform compassmot and live calibration.

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