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Before Posting an Issue

Hi All,

Before posting an issue or a problem in the ArduRover Discussion Forum, please check the wiki table of contents, review the firmware release notes in the subforum, and search that subforum for existing answers to your question. Help avoid duplicate threads by finding other members with the same issue and their solution.

When formulating your post, use a descriptive title such as "rover will not navigate to waypoints in the Auto mode" (not "HELP!" or "Problem").

Please include the following information to help diagnose your query:

  • Describe the problem you are having. What is the expected verses the observed behavior?
  • Provide hardware information such as the brand and version of your autopilot, GPS, radio, and compass, as well as any other pertinent details about your rover setup.
  • What version of the APM: ArdurRover2 firmware version are you running?
  • For navigation issues, provide your tlog and/or dataflash log. Click here for instructions on retrieving a dataflash log.


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  • Well, it worked as far as compiling and uploading.   When I open MP and do the 'reset' and 'radio' in the terminal, that works too. 

    Then, when I go into the 'Configuration' tab, Im able to connect, but when I try to do a 'Radio Calibration', it doesn't seem to regester with the red lines, etc. and I get the error messages that say 'Failed to set Ch 6', etc.


    I also try to enable the 'Compass' under 'Hardware Options' and it reads an error message 'Set MAG_ENABLE Failed'.


    What am I missing gentlemen?

  • Admin


    I have never had to put the Ardupilot libraries in with the IDE libraries. I have always kept that libraries in the ArduRover2 folder. Are you sure that you have used the Ardupilot tab in the Ardupilot modified Arduino IDE 1.0.3 to define your APM and then closed and restarted the Ardupilot modified Arduino IDE 1.0.3. Also, have you verified in the IDE preferences that you have the correct path set for your Sketch.?



  • Thanks for your email Tom.  I tried your suggestion but still no luck...  Here's the error message when I try to verify/compile.  It goes on further, but for brevity, I just took the top part....  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong and I'll kick myself later for not thinking of it.

     I've also found and followed the directions on installing libraries from Arduino...

    Building for ArduPilot Mega 2.x
    Excluding arduino core from include paths
    APMrover2.pde:95:21: error: Arduino.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from APMrover2.pde:83:
    compat.h:12: error: variable or field 'run_cli' declared void
    compat.h:12: error: 'AP_HAL' has not been declared
    compat.h:12: error: 'port' was not declared in this scope
    In file included from APMrover2.pde:90:
    Parameters.h:141: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:142: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:146: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:147: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:148: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:151: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:152: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:153: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:157: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:158: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:159: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:160: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:161: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:164: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:167: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:168: error: 'AP_Float' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:169: error: 'AP_Float' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:170: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:174: error: 'AP_Float' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:175: error: 'AP_Int16' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:176: error: 'AP_Float' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:177: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:178: error: 'AP_Float' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:179: error: 'AP_Int8' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:182: error: 'RC_Channel' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:183: error: 'RC_Channel_aux' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:184: error: 'RC_Channel' does not name a type
    Parameters.h:185: error: 'RC_Channel_aux' does not name a type

  • That worked great Tom thanks!

  • Admin


    For those of you who want to compile and use the latest ArduRover V2.30 alpha code, here is what you need to do:

    1) Download the ArduPilot version of the Arduino IDE 1.0.3 per this link:

    2) Run the ArduPilot IDE 1.0.3 and, using "ArduPilot" in the header bar, select the correct HAL Board from the drop down menu. Then restart the ArduPilot IDE.

    3) Load in the latest V2.30 Sketch. The ArduRover Sketch code must reside in the same root directory as the ArduPilot IDE.

    4) There is no need to define your APM configuration anywhere in the ArduRover code. The HAL Board drop down menu will do it for you.

    5) Now run the compiler and you should have no problem with the compile. Don't forget that the lastest ArduPilot libraries must be in the same Sketch folder as the ArduRover2 folder: ie ArduRover_v230_firmware/ArduRover2 and ArduRover_v230_firmware/libraries. Remember, ArduRover_v230_firmware must be in the same root directory as the ArduPilot IDE.

    Hope this helps.



  • Tom I cannot get this to verify:  ArduRover2 V2.30 alpha code.3692653186?profile=original

  • Admin

    Hi All,

    Tridge, Linus and I have been updating the ArduRover2 code so I am attaching the latest version of the ArduRover2 V2.30 alpha code.

    Testing conducted with the Sharp IR sensor attached to the Oilpan Airspeed sensor input has determined that this is not going to work reliably. The fall back position will be to use the Ateml processor ADC. The processor ADC works very reliably with the Sharp IR sensor and will allow sensors with a 0 - 5vdc output to be used for obstacle detection. Instructions for attaching an IR sensor to the Atmel processor can be found here in the Wiki: If you are using the Sharp medium range (150cm) IR sensor then you should use the following values for the sonar: Sonar_Pin 0, Sonar_Constant 0.63, Sonar_Offset 0, and Sonar_Function 2.

    The latest alpha code now contains code for skid steering, but you need to use it at your own risk. The first two channels (1 & 2) on the APM output now control one motor each. Tridge has added two new parameters:

    SKID_STEER_IN=0 or 1
    SKID_STEER_OUT=0 or 1

    They control if skid steering is used for input and output. If enabled,
    then it assumes that channel 1 is the left motor and channel 2 is the
    right motor.


    Update 3/15/2013

  • AVC 2013 info posted!

    Autonomous Vehicle Competition at SparkFun Electronics - AVC.SFE
  • thanks Thomas

    this discussion have informative links. pl clear me about the firmware. i need 2 output channel (1 & 3 as defined in ardurover google group document). in my setup channel1 output is there but at channel 3, no output. my firmware is ArduRover_v230_firmware_20120222. so pl guide me for the part of code for output assignment or any other firmware.

    thanks alot

  • Admin


    This forum discussion will help you to develop the hardware for skid steering which is what you have described for providing propulsion and steering for your rover:



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